Monday, April 4, 2011

Cooking for Kyle Korver (Episode 2)

Here is another great meal that I often cook for Kyle Korver.  In this meal I include an organic black rice, which is not a food that is allowed by strict Paleo standards.  No matter if you are a professional athlete or someone who is just beginning on your quest for health, we can always make improvements and transitions to your diet.  While I do not personally eat rice, nor recommend it to my clients, it is still a better option than many other grains.  As I have mentioned before, rice and oatmeal are two "better" options than breads, cereals, and pasta.  As we transition to optimal health, performance, and energy we will eliminate these grains as well and eat only foods from the Paleolithic Era.  This meal tastes great and is very easy to make.  Check out the video and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Kyle Korver has a good nutrition menu. Being as a professional athlete, it is a must. He also spoke about food supplements canada.
