Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Post Workout Nutrition

Post workout nutrition is an extremely popular topic in the world of sports performance and CrossFit.  I believe that certain strategies work better for different people, and I do not believe that there is one magic formula that works for everyone.  Too many people read magazine or internet articles that are very general and then try to follow the advice to no avail. These people often become frusterated and decide that "I will never be able to lose weight" or "The Paleo Diet does not work".  They are often very close to the proper macronutient ratios needed to improve performance or change body composition, and a few minor changes could be responsible for all of the desired results.

So please remember, an elite athlete needs to eat a different post workout meal then someone trying to alter body composition.  The video below is an ideal option for an athlete who is solely concerned with recovery and performance.  If your goals are to lose weight, burn fat, and add muscle I would most likely alter this meal to better meet your individual goals.  If you are looking to improve athletic performance and recovery, try this meal and let me know what you think.  If you are struggling to reach your personal goals, I would be happy to talk to you in greater detail.  You can schedule a consultation by contacting me through my website or sending me an email.

1 comment:

  1. Emmitt here, met you at crossfit carbon, I have done the sweet potato thing with cinnamon in the past which works great. what is the coconut milk doing for you exactly? is it for weight gain? I am sure this ratio changes depending on if you do a metcon without strength or just strength, or depending how long the metcon is correct?
